

Register for Friends' IYD

What is Yoga?

Yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which translates to ‘Concentration on attaining the changes desired in our lives’. Yoga looks to bring our mind, body, and spirit into harmony. Our modern-day view of yoga guides us on one part of the study of Yoga.

The Philosophy of Yoga focuses on 8 limbs:


  1. Yamas (Ethical & Moral Ideal)
  2. Niyamas (Spiritual & Self-discipline Ideals)
  3. Asana (Physical Practices)
  4. Pranayama (Breath work – our Life Force)
  5. Pratyahara (Withdrawal of senses / Ignoring Distractions)
  6. Dharana (Concentration / Focused Thoughts)
  7. Dhyana (Meditation)
  8. Samadhi (Liberation / Union with a Divine)

Schedule of Yoga in Crocheron Park

Classes will resume in Crocheron this spring, until then catch Ambeka's free yoga classes through ShapeUP NYC at Commonpoint Bay Terrace.

ShapeUP NYC Winter Yoga in Bayside

International Yoga Day

Saturday, June 21st 2025

This is a special day to celebrate International Yoga Day at Crocheron Park.

The day will begin with a class of Gentle Yoga with Ambeka Khadse, our resident park yoga instructor who volunteers her time weekly for the community. We will then have Bayside Meditation offer a 30-minute meditation practice that  will include breathing exercises, body-mind relaxation, and sitting meditation to relieve stress and enhance your mood for the day. Our special guest speaker, Abha Karki Rajbhandari, PhD, explores the relationship between brain and body, her chat will focus on the connection between neuroscience and yoga.

Thank you to our sponsors and speaker!

Ambeka Khadse

Bayside Meditation

Abha Karki Rajbhandari, PhD


10:00 am - Kickoff

10:15 am - Yoga with Ambeka

11:00 am - Meditation with Bayside Meditation

11:30 am - Neuroscience & Yoga Chat with Abha Karki Rajbhandari, PhD

12:30 pm - Social and Refreshments

Please complete the information below to sign up for this free special event! We will be meeting in front of the Tennis House along 33rd Ave. Please bring a yoga mat and water with you. Please contact 646.504.3457  on the day of the event with any questions, or

Thank you to Ambeka for volunteering her time for classes in our community and for planning this special event!

International Yoga Day 2025

If sign up is for a group larger than 6, like a business/membership group, please reach out to our email. Friends of Crocheron's volunteers have limited capacity. We are happy to facilitate another type of event!

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