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Results of 2021 Park Community Needs Assessment Survey

Jessica Burke • August 29, 2021

 Friends' First Annual Survey

Community Usage Survey Results Summary

The Friends of Crocheron & John Golden Park's 2020-2021 Community Park Usage Survey process combines technical analysis of data with community input. The purpose is to help direct the organization. The design of the process allows the leadership team to have community input necessary to create a strategic business plan that is rooted in the needs of the Our Park Community.

As a key tool for expanding on community participation, the survey allows the park community to anonymously give feedback. By being an online survey, accessible via the organization's website, respondents are allowed to provide feedback on their own schedule. The survey style also allowed respondents the opportunity to answer open ended questions.

The below is a summary of the responses, providing an overview of the park community. This survey was conducted over an nine month period, from December 2020 to August 2021. The survey was available on the Friends' website ( It includes 110 fully completed surveys. 

Data Limitations

The information provided is by participants that chose to respond. These respondents saw a flyer about the survey at either the park bulletin board, local social media groups, Friends' social media pages, Friends' website, Friends' email listserv, or heard about the survey through word of mouth. The survey was only available in English, reducing input from park community members that did not feel comfortable with or were unable to complete a survey in English. Only 13% of respondents identified as Asian or Pacific Islander, compared to the 2020 Census as reviewed by  NY4P, which  shows a population  of 46% in Queens Community Board 11, the CB around Crocheron & John Golden Park.


Questions that allow for multiple answers, the percentage is not based on the sum of the answers, but the number of respondents. This means that in some cases the percentage will equal more than 100%.

Key Findings


  • Respondents  expressed that Crocheron & John Golden Park often helped maintain their mental, physical, and/or social health during the pandemic
  • Majority of respondents (70%) indicated that it often helped
  • 23% responded that it sometimes helped
  • Respondents are generally satisfied with the cleanliness of the park
  • 55% saying that it is normally clean
  • 47% saying that it is sometimes clean
  • 6% stated that it is rarely clean
  • Cleaning/Litter Removal is still a high priority for respondents
  • 54% of respondents still indicate that Cleaning/Litter Removal is a high priority for the park, making it second highest priority as ranked by respondents.

Events and Activities

  • Vendors in the park
  • 69% of respondents would like to see a weekly Farmers Market in the park with local produce
  • 48% are interested in a Holiday Market featuring local businesses
  • 20% are interested in a Food or Beverage Concessions in the park
  • Educational and health focused activities
  • 45% of respondents expressed an interest in Educational Programming/Activities
  • 36% would like amenities to expand to include Exercise Stations with Equipment
  • 15% of respondents would like to see Multipurpose Sports Fields, for sports like football and soccer

Future Improvements

  • Respondents express that improvements to park paths is the main priority. This reflects that 67% of respondents use the park for walking.
  • Top 5 Priorities for the park

1) 57% Accessibility - Repaving Damaged Paths

2) 54% Cleaning/ Litter Removal 

3) 48% Ecological Health of the Pond

4) 46% Tree Planting/ Maintenance

5) 41% Benches/ Tables

I. Respondent Demographics

Figure 1. Question 6 - What is your zip code?

  • Two-thirds of the respondents (67%) live in Bayside.
  • One respondent is from Suffolk County. This respondent travels from Commack, NY, zip code 11725, a 30 mile drive over and 30 mins away from the park. This suggests that there is a small percentage of park goers that live outside of Queens and are interested in the Crocheron & John Golden Park.

Table 1. Question 5 - What neighborhood do you live in?

Neighborhood Number Percentage
Aburndale 3 3%
Bay Terrace 7 6%
Bayside 76 69%
Bayside Hills 2 2%
Douglaston 1 1%
Flushing 5 5%
Bayside Hills 2 2%
Fresh Meadows 1 1%
Little Neck 1 1%
Oakland Gardens 6 5%
Other 4 4%
Queens Village 1 1%
Whitestone 3 3%
  • With the results that most respondents live in Bayside, it is no surprise that most respondents travel between 0 and 10 minutes to the park. Of those whose travel time is 10 minutes and below, 38% drive to the park and 35% walk to the park.
  • Overall, 57% of respondents drive to the park, 40% walk to the park, and 3% ride their bike to the park. We did not include public transportation as an option for this survey.

Table 2. Question 3 - How would you best describe how you identify?

Identify as Number Percentage
Man (including transgender men) 29 26%
Woman (including transgender women) 73 66%
I'd rather not say 8 7%
  • 51 out of 110 respondents stated that they have children
  • 11 respondents with children between 0 and 5 years
  • 21 respondents with children between 6 to 10 years
  • 19 respondents with children between 11 to 15 years
  • 6 respondents with children between 16 and 18 years

Table 3. Question 1 - What is your age?

Age Range Number Percentage
23 and under 3 3%
24 to 39 28 25%
40 to 55 38 35%
56 to 74 34 31%
75 and older 6 5%
I'd rather not say 1 1%

II. Park Useage

  • Respondents visit the park frequently
  • 38% visit the park weekly
  • 30% visit the park daily
  • 11%  visit the park monthly
  • Top 5 Reasons respondents visit the park

1)  67% to Walk

2) 37% to Exercise or Jog

3) 36% Bring their Children

4)   33% Walk Dog

5) 32% Time with Family

Figure 2. Question 10 -  Why do you visit the park? (Check all that apply.)

Park Usage During the Pandemic

  • Our Park has helped respondents maintain mental, physical and/or social health during the pandemic. Based on the survey, 70% respondents expressed that the park was often a source of reprieve during the pandemic and 23% that it sometimes was.

Table 4. Question 12 - During the pandemic, has Crocheron & John Golden Park helped you maintain your mental, physical, and/or social health?

Answer Number Percentage
Never 1 1%
Often 77 70%
Rarely 3 3%
Sometimes 25 23%
Unsure 4 4%

Select Individual Responses:

  • "My family and I have visited the park more frequently and using it as a great escape personally, and also as a meeting point for safe socially distant visits with friends while enjoying nature. "
  • "We avoid the playground now."
  • "We go daily and walk, it’s our family time together."
  • "I used the park this year as I do every year. But I am used to it being less crowded. This year it was sooo beautiful and comforting to see the park full! People were reallly enjoying it. Plus with the playground closed parents were playing imaginary games with their kids in the grass or on a pie of dirt instead of sitting on the playground benches.  It was such a positive experience for me."
  • "I use it more. I had never been there prior to the pandemic despite living in the area since 1966."
  • "It hasn't. I was coming almost every day before the pandemic and never stopped."

III. Priorities for Our Park

Increasing Accessibility through Repairs to Damaged Paths is a priority for respondents.

Figure 3. Question 14 -  What are your priorities for Our Park? (check all that apply)

Table 5. Question 14 - What are your priorities for Our Park? (check all that apply)

Priority for Park Number Ranking Percentage
Accessible - Repave Damaged Paths 63 1 57%
Benches/ Tables 45 5 41%
Baseball/ Softball Fields 12 12 11%
Children's Play Equipment 32 9 29%
Cleaning/ Litter Removal 59 2 54%
Ecological Health of the Pond 53 3 48%
More Trash Bins 41 7 37%
Gardens and Flowers (Horticulture) 42 6 38%
Gazebos 27 10 25%
Tree Planting / Maintenance 51 4 46%
Outlook to Little Neck Bay 37 8 34%
Available Parks Staff 15 11 14%
Baseball/ Softball Fields 12 12 11%
Other 9 13 8%

Additional Events

  • The majority of respondents (69%) are interested in bringing a Farmers Market to the park. This interest reflects the lack of an open air farm market, farm stand, or farm box in the immediate area. NYC Gov's Farm-to-City Data Team shows this information in their graphic on that can be seen here, as of August 2021.

Tabl 6. Question 15 - What are some additional events or activities that you would like to see? (check all that apply)

Event/Activity Number Percentage
Educational Programs/ Activities 50 45%
Exercise Stations with Equipment 40 36%
Farmers Market (weekly, local produce) 76 69%
Food and Beverage Concessions (mobile vendors) 22 20%
Farmers Market (weekly, local produce) 76 69%
Holiday Market (seasonal, local businesses) 53 48%
Multipurpose sports fields (football, soccer) 17 15%
Other 9 8%
Select Individual Responses:
  • "I would really love to see a farmer’s market in the area, and Crocheron seems like the perfect site! If this is something that I can help with in any way, please reach out..."
  • "Activities for kids and families Post-COVID would be great. Also would love a Farmers Market in Bayside!!!"
  • "Definitely need a farmers market; I think that would be a huge plus for the neighborhood!"
  • "Concessions and markets would be amazing!"

IV. Opened Ended Feedback

Open ended comments echoed the responses from main survey - improvements to existing parkland, structures, and amenities as well as to bringing outside vendors into the park.

Other Utilization of the Parkland

  • "Looking at the views of Little Neck Bay"
  • "dancercize"
  • "Transportation to bike from one place to another safely"
  • "Invasive plant removal"
  • "Visit with the ducks, look at flowers, look for berries, look for the hawks, watercolor"
  • "Walking"
  • "Playground  kids,biking,read the paper etcI do landscape projects in the park."

Figure 5. Question 16 - Please, note any ideas for improvements to park features, services and/ or programming. Please be specific.

Select Individual Responses:

  • "We stopped taking our dog to certain areas in the park as trash bins overflow, especially in the summer & after a weekend(particularly by the pond) and the guy would just eat garbage!"
  • "Signs that explain rules for dogs, too many are off leash limits my access to the park"
  • "Get rid of fallen trees and branches"
  • "Right now I am recovering from surgery & use a walker. The surface is rough especially as compared to Alley Pond Park. I have also seen very small children or others including myself trip and fall"
  • "Trail/path along the lake needs some improvements. flood/very muddy at times. More recycling/garbage sorting stations needed in the park."
  • "A walking group would be nice.  Any physical activities (easy for those 65 and over especially)."
  • "Maybe a place for live music or films, also some type of cool seating with a. view of the bay!"
  • "I would love to have some adult (over 40) sports, like volleyball or soccer; definitely would like some live music where people can bring picnic blankets and then there are food trucks/vendors selling food so we can have dinner and music."
  • "Concessions and markets would be amazing!"
  • "Promote more regrowth in the tree groves for a small patch of land for hiking please"
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