Having professional photographers has been a great benefit for Friends of Crocheron & John Golden Park. Along with being able to connect with them on the beauty of the Parkland, a couple have decided to help us out at events. This work extends beyond the event itself. Photographers must go through sometimes hundreds of images. Choose the best ones, edit them, resize them as needed, rename them, all before uploading to a shared drive to share with us.
Along with the work that goes into taking photographs, our photographers have lent their skill to capture key moments in our organization's development. These images allow our volunteers and members access to high quality images of their hard work! Once the images are shared on social media, it shows that they are not #slacktivists but are actively helping out their community!
Looking back at the progress that we have made, being able to have assistance documenting the efforts is amazingly helpful.
A bit about our photographers:
Jan Arzooman: Jan is a local photographer in Bayside, Queens. Aside from her 9-5 job, Jan is a Member of Friends of Crocheron & John Golden Park, she is a local bird photographer. Jan's passion for birding is helping to direct the organization's efforts to protect the park's environment for wildlife.
Matt Jakowsky and Marilyn Chapman: This husband and wife duo are volunteer photographers with Friends of Crocheron & John Golden Park. They have come out to events on the weekend and have helped out at individual group events, giving The Shield Institute the All Star treatment during their clean up event in November.
Their photographs that they provide us with also allows us to create brochures. Improving our ability to have outreach to possible members, partners, and sponsors.
Click Here
to be directed to Jan Arzooman's Instagram profile.
Click here
to be directed to Matt Jakowsky and Marilyn Chapman's online portfolio.